Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It's time to share the newest promotional flier from CAKE.

If you don't know, CAKE stands for Creative Artists~Kick-ass Etsyans. And the CAKE group is exactly that; a group of incredibly talented, awe-inspiring, friendly, motivating, supportive, artistic, and helpful women. (One day, we very well may have a male join CAKE, but until then I can brag about what a wonderful bunch of women we are, lol.)

In the last year, several of the members have been through life-altering events. Others have been through very difficult hardships. But we all continue on, moving forward and looking to the future with hope and prosperity in our hearts.

I am terribly pleased to announce that on January 30 one of our members became a first time Mommy! Judith and her husband welcomed son, Matthew Ian "Bugsy"- her shops will be on vaca while they spoil their adorable little boy for awhile, but please visit all the other shops for an insane amount of creativity. :)


melissa said...

Hey Cel, I never knew about CAKE! Congrats Judith on the new baby!!


Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

Hi Cel! I was not good in getting mine in this month! Bad me. I have, however, given you the triple award. Come by my blog to pick it up!