Saturday, November 27, 2010

*This hike was on the Peralta Trail, up to Fremont Saddle and to Weaver's Needle in the Superstition Wilderness Area. The trail was two-and-a-half miles from the trail head to the saddle and climbed over 1,300 feet in elevation. Though the climb was demanding at times, the views were majestic and rewarding.


Anonymous said...

This format where you have written the words on the pictures is brilliant. I love the way it takes the reader (me) through the walk and I almost feel as though I were there. What beauty is around you, Val! It's an absolute creation by God and your pictures with the words capture all of it. You led me through it as if I were right there. The only thing missing was being able to actually feel it, smell it and hear it. In a word? Lovely.

Lisa Stowe said...

My husband (one of your mafia wars buddies!) and I hiked a mountain trail where we lived. While it was through temperate rain forest, it had a similar length and elevation gain. he still calls it the 'Death March'. Loved the photos here as the terrain is so very different from where we live.