Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Heart Day Hike

Come with me. I'm taking you to the place where I have found my peace, my balance, my serenity. It's on the mountain. It's in the mountain. It's in every stone that creates the path to the top; where my feet pound and climb and let the negative energy melt away. Finding my footholds, I forget about the stress that led me to the mountain. The scenery takes my breath, and my worries, away.

Especially the unexpected sights that befall my eyes, such as the snow on the Pinnacle Mountains in the distance. Very much in the desert, very much full of brush and cacti and strong saguaro, and then lovingly dusted with beautiful white powder.

I sit and I take it in. And I sit some more. I don't want to leave. It is amazing and I don't want to leave my peaceful spot. There are flowers growing on the sides of the rocks at the tip top of the mountain. I look down and see lovers sitting on a blanket at a lower plateau. I see birds soaring. I see clouds bobbing across the sky. The sun is a warm blanket and the wind blows gently at my ears.

But leave I must. Hang on; it's going to be a bumpy ride. It's worth every second, though. Just breathe and let the blessings fill your soul. Hold my hand if you wish. After all, we have to get to girls' night out, where chatter, laughter, good food, the batting cages, drinks, and good friends beckon. ;)

This is the way down, but I will be back time and again.


melissa said...

Thanks for the Journey Cel, it was beautiful. :0)


Linda B said...

Gorgeous. I feel G-d's presence. Thanks.

seababejewelry said...

Cel, thank you for taking us along with you on this magnificent journey! The picture with the clouds bobbing is dreamy!


Valerie Shultz said...

Linda, I have to agree with you.

Melissa and Kristin- thank you and aloha :)

theetsybebe said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful day! I can feel the sunshine all the way over here.