I found these authentic Italian tiles and just knew I had to do something with them. They are just beautiful, brilliant colors with glorious gold specks throughout all of them. So bright and happy. So I thought- perfect for wearing!
I'm currently in the process of turning them into pendants, and am waiting for a couple of supplies to finish them up.
The brown is so warm and gorgeous for matching your fall outfits, and the others are perfect for brightening up a dreary day.
Here are a few of them all wrapped and soldered. I was quite pleased with how well they wrapped. I was concerned about the copper foil adhering well to the tiles, but they did wonderfully.

This one has already been designated for my personal use. I love the brilliant gold specks against the pink, and can't wait for the bails that I ordered to come so I can wear this beauty:

These will be in my
shop when they are done.